Current Issue

Vol. 12 No. 35 (2024): Desarrollo sustentable y regulaciones ambientales


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Universita Ciencia is main journal of Universidad de Xalapa. It is published every four months with the collaboration of mainly Ibero-American academics.

Objective of Universita Ciencia
To be an electronic journal of scientific dissemination with transdisciplinary themes and methodology, published every four months, committed to high scientific production, innovation, strengthening the production of the academic groups and bodies of the University of Xalapa, with openness and promotion. to the collaboration of academic experts from various areas of knowledge to promote internationalization through scientific cooperation, as well as compliance and harmonization of their criteria in accordance with international legal, technological, administrative and ethical regulations, with respect and focus towards sustainability.

Scope of Universita Ciencia
With regional coverage and impact in the area of ​​Xalapa, Veracruz; as well as in Mexico and internationally, by registering in databases and indexes such as Redib, Latinrev and Latindex as well as academic networks and science dissemination organizations.

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