Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. A Look at University Training in Degrees Related to the Educational Field, of Public Universities in Mexico




Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Competencies, Decision Making


Critical thinking and problem solving constitute an unavoidable aspect of training at the higher level, its importance in undergraduate programs linked to the educational fiel is underlined. The objective is to identify the inclusion of PC and SP in bachelor´s degrees in the educational area of state public universities in México. It is a descriptive study, a documentary analysis was made, review of the curricula of 14 Universities. Among the results, the following stand out: absence of purposes related to the subject in question, plans that propose it in objectives and/or graduation profile but it does not appear on its curriculum map. It is recognized as one of the most important tasks pending, integrate knowledge curricula that allow competent professionals to train with critical sense, awareness of problems, ability to identify and formulate problems, ability to make decisions and for construction of solution alternatives.


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Author Biographies

María Elena Pensado Fernández, Universidad Veracruzana

Investigadora del Instituto de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores de las Ciencias Administrativas y docente de licenciatura y posgrado, de la Universidad Veracruzana

Elizabeth Salazar Ayala, Universidad Veracruzana

Colaboradora del C.A. Complejidad y Sustentabilidad e Innovación en la Docencia


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Gagné R. (2014). La planificación de la enseñanza. Sus principios. México: Trillas.

López B. (2003). Pensamiento Crítico y Creativo. México: Trillas.

Maclure S. (2000). Aprender a pensar, pensar en aprender. Barcelona: Gedisa.

Woolfolk A. (1999). Psicología Educativa. México: Prentice Hall.

Zabalza A.(1995) Diseño y Desarrollo Curricular. Editorial Narcea. Madrid.



How to Cite

Pensado Fernández, M. E., & Salazar Ayala, E. (2020). Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. A Look at University Training in Degrees Related to the Educational Field, of Public Universities in Mexico. Universita Ciencia, 9(26), 158–174.


