Towards a Contextualized Didactic Programming


  • Paulino Pulido Herrera Universidad de Xalapa



Programming Teaching, Learning, Teaching Role, Function of the School Curriculum, Social Dimension


The design of the teaching program is not only to fill a form in advance with key factors for work in the classroom, in this decision making converge nodal elements that are part of a unique and unrepeatable context in each class, such as: the role the teacher, the role of the school, the curriculum, learning theory it as a theoretical basis, the social dimension and the protagonist of the educational process: the student. This article discusses a perspective that would be relevant to consider in the design of a teaching program in the university chair, beyond the description of the methodology involved in their formulation or establishing certain formats that specify and develop this working tool, the aim is to contextualize the university teacher with substantive points are not on a schedule but that surround and influence its operation in the classroom. At the moment the professor ceases to receive the teaching program as an administrative requirement that demands the institution of higher education, and prospective conceptualized as a process in which the underlying substantive elements embodied in it, will be able to size the intricate context of their teaching. Through this academic writing will go through these areas is expected to be food for thought for the university teachers


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How to Cite

Pulido Herrera, P. (2013). Towards a Contextualized Didactic Programming. Universita Ciencia, 2(4), 37–48.