Training for Teaching or Reflex Exercise?


  • María Elena Pensado Fernández Universidad Veracruzana



Higher Education, University Disciplinary Training, Teacher Training


This article is about the national discourse in higher education, particularly in the autonomous public universities, with the idea of putting in central paradox reflection observed regarding disciplinary training in undergraduate the graduate profile and field work on the one hand and, on the other hand, the practice of teaching in higher average educational levels and mainly higher in many cases without prior training required for this important task, leading to a replay of teaching experiences observed in his student, as a reflection exercise type. Without ignoring that this is a field with a high degree of complexity, this raises the possibility of constructing a scenario that allows, from a social responsibility of higher education institutions, strategies to anticipate improvement of teaching, as determinants of the edges in the student's education and hence the quality of education. The basis for the analysis has been the revision of two curricula of undergraduate educational programs of 22 universities in the country affiliated with the National Association of Colleges of Higher Education Institutions (ANUIES), with the focus directed to the presence or absence of a learning or pedagogical education to enable graduates of various university properly inroads in the field of teaching.


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Author Biography

María Elena Pensado Fernández, Universidad Veracruzana

Maestra en Educación por la Universidad Pedagógica Veracruzana. Académico de la Universidad Veracruzana.


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How to Cite

Pensado Fernández, M. E. (2013). Training for Teaching or Reflex Exercise?. Universita Ciencia, 2(4), 25–36.