Educational Policies in the Formation of Academic Bodies and Collaboration Networks in Normal Schools




Research groups, Training of researchers, Teacher-researcher, Biographies, Educational research


A case study is presented, which describes the conformation of five Academic Bodies (CA's) of Normal Schools (EN) in the Collaborative Network of Academic Bodies in Education (RCCAE). This Network generates relevant data on evaluation, teaching practice and training processes, demonstrates the will of teachers to advance in the transformation and educational improvement, via research. The results include collective academic production and peer-to-peer work to achieve viable solution alternatives; Among the challenges, priority is given to the need to have clear policies that consider the particularities of the CA’s of the ENs so that they can advance in their levels of consolidation and contribute to the improvement of the institutional processes. It is concluded that the will, in all its levels, constitutes a key for the development of the CA’s and Networks in these training institutions.


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Author Biographies

Karina Alejandra Cruz Pallares, Institución Benemérita y Centenaria Escuela Normal del Estado de Chihuahua

Docente investigadora de la Institución Benemérita y Centenaria Escuela Normal del Estado de Chihuahua Profesor Luis Urías Belderráin, Líder del CAEC BCENELUB-CA-3 y miembro del SNI.

Virginia Aguilar Davis, Benemérita Escuela Normal Veracruzana "Enrique C. Rébsamen"

Docente investigadora de la Benemérita Escuela Normal Veracruzana "Enrique C. Rébsamen", Líder del CA BENVECR-CA-7 y miembro del SIN


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How to Cite

Cruz Pallares, K. A., & Aguilar Davis, V. (2018). Educational Policies in the Formation of Academic Bodies and Collaboration Networks in Normal Schools. Universita Ciencia, 7(19), 89–101.


