Effects on Economic Growth of the Peso-Dollar Exchange Parity in Mexico: 2000 and 2015


  • Augusto Pascual Pérez Matus Universidad de Xalapa




Economic growth, Exchange parity


The interest of this research is from a global perspective of the economy and finance that facilitates the identification of elements of the exchange market, its relationship with the increase or decrease of certain macroeconomic indicators in two North American countries (Mexico and the United States of America). America). Based on the above, there are two groups of theories that provide support to the investigation. The first includes the old and new theories of international trade, since they allow deciphering the similarities and differences between the foreign economic policies of Mexico and the United States of America, the nations to which the currencies belong, which are the object of this analysis. The second group of theories is made up of those specifically designed to explain exchange rate phenomena. They present the different patterns to which the world's currencies have been subjected and the applications that they have presented in the nations of interest in this study.


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Author Biography

Augusto Pascual Pérez Matus , Universidad de Xalapa

Alumno del último semestre de la Licenciatura en Negocios Internacionales de la Universidad de Xalapa


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How to Cite

Pérez Matus , A. P. (2016). Effects on Economic Growth of the Peso-Dollar Exchange Parity in Mexico: 2000 and 2015. Universita Ciencia, 5, 203–219. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7153505