Contents, didactic resources and educational practices in the historical process of Mexico


  • Fridda Amarantha Gálvez Tlapa Universidad de Xalapa
  • Diana Ruth Tolentino Campos



Teaching, Didactics, Schools, History


Education has been very important for society, and it has evolved since pre-Hispanic times where the methodology used has been adapted to meet the needs that society required at the time. At first the most important thing was the worship of the gods as well as instructing them in the work that according to their social position they had; With the arrival of the Spanish, the important thing was to evangelize, so only Christian doctrine, reading and writing were taught. With the passing of the years, education became important in New Spain where the first experiences were with the friends of the neighborhood who was an elderly woman who taught the monotonous studies of the syllabary with the primer, then began with education in the first letters. Subsequently, society required people prepared to satisfy the basic needs that society presented, more effective methods were sought to carry out the economic activities of the country, for which the creation of 4 specialized institutions was promoted: The School of Surgery, The academy of fine arts, the Botanical Garden and the Mining College that served as an antecedent for the following periods of history that they took as a reference to promote the development of the Mexican educational system.


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Author Biographies

Fridda Amarantha Gálvez Tlapa , Universidad de Xalapa

Alumna de la Benemérita Escuela Normal Veracruzana “Enrique C. Rébsamen"

Diana Ruth Tolentino Campos

Alumna de la Benemérita Escuela Normal Veracruzana “Enrique C. Rébsamen"


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How to Cite

Gálvez Tlapa , F. A., & Tolentino Campos, D. R. (2015). Contents, didactic resources and educational practices in the historical process of Mexico. Universita Ciencia, 4(Especial), 218–231.