Identification of causes for channeling to the educational guidance department for first-year students evening shift at the Industrial Technical High School #128


  • Loretta Alejandra Vázquez Uscanga Universidad de Xalapa



Orientation, Educational orientation, Education


The present research work theoretically handles what is known as orientation, the areas of orientation, and in this particular case the educational orientation, which serves as the guideline to carry out the investigation, aimed at the functions that must be fulfilled, the characteristics that a counselor must have, and the qualities that a counselor must possess. Highlighting that the topic to be investigated lies in identifying the causes for which first-year students are referred to the Educational Guidance department, it is worth mentioning that at the basic level is when students have concerns about endless issues that arise around them. , as well as present both physical and internal changes, derived from their greater or lesser degree of maturity and development, therefore it is convenient that there is an accompaniment in this journey as mentioned above, in order that the student can count on that support provided, coupled with the fact that educational guidance must have a defined scope on which to work and therefore, in this research the importance of identifying the causes for which students are channeled to said department permeates. The foregoing is carried out through a series of instruments (interviews and questionnaires) carried out in order to delve deeper into the subject and arrive at possible answers that contribute to the achievement of the investigation.


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Author Biography

Loretta Alejandra Vázquez Uscanga, Universidad de Xalapa

Alumna de la maestría en Docencia y Evaluación Educativa último cuatrimestre, Universidad de Xalapa. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Euro Hispanoamericana.


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How to Cite

Vázquez Uscanga, L. A. (2015). Identification of causes for channeling to the educational guidance department for first-year students evening shift at the Industrial Technical High School #128. Universita Ciencia, 4(Especial), 157–165.