Impact of the Evaluation of Teaching (Assessment of Students) PEDPA in Teaching Practice. An Approach to the Attitudes of Teachers




Teacher evaluation, Stimulus program, Student assessment, Teacher attitudes



The present work shows the thesis advances of a research project that is currently being carried out in the Educational Research Doctorate program offered by the Universidad Veracruzana in the Educational Research Institute; The structure of these advances resides in the exposition of the main elements of a research project, which are: the approach to the problem where the scenario is projected, which motivated to develop the subject of evaluation of teaching, the questions and the objectives of the research, the justification where the main contributions to the field of knowledge are presented, the state of the art where some of the works already carried out on the subject addressed are indicated, the hypotheses planned at the beginning of the investigation, the contextual framework that Due to its extension, only a partial investigation is presented, as well as the theoretical-conceptual framework and, finally, the methodological approach that is available up to this moment of the investigation.


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Author Biography

Lily Ariadna Silva Blanco, Universidad de Xalapa

Licenciada en Pedagogía y Maestra en Educación. Candidata a doctora en Investigación Educativa
por la Universidad Veracruzana en el Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación


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How to Cite

Silva Blanco, L. A. (2015). Impact of the Evaluation of Teaching (Assessment of Students) PEDPA in Teaching Practice. An Approach to the Attitudes of Teachers. Universita Ciencia, 4(Especial), 103–119.