Learning Strategies Using the ATNOVA Technology Platform





constructivism, guided learning, non-contact studies, asynchronous communication, virtual learning environments, learning strategies


The central issue is not communication technology, but how the new pedagogy and the insertion of ICTs come to hit the traditional pedagogical model, by creating a new pedagogy based on them. In this sense, the hiring of teachers will not have the objective of teaching classes but rather working in production groups, educational materials, being a network tutor. These changes will determine the form, the content, and the logistical conditions of virtual teaching. This research allowed us to obtain more information about how students learn at different levels of studies, different academic modalities, and determine what learning strategies are used when working with the Technological Platform of the University of Xalapa and thereby determine whether or not learning is encouraged. It is argued that the use of the Technological Platform of the University of Xalapa helps to promote learning in students, however, information was obtained on how students learn, what learning strategies are used when working with the Technological Platform of the Universidad de Xalapa and thereby determine its relevance. Questionnaires to students and interviews with managers and teachers were used, the results show that the managers and teachers of the institution agree on the importance of teachers and especially students using learning strategies in their training through technological platforms.


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Author Biography

Esperanza de Jesús García Ayala, Universidad de Xalapa

Doctora en Educación, docente de la Universidad de Xalapa


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How to Cite

de Jesús García Ayala, E. (2015). Learning Strategies Using the ATNOVA Technology Platform. Universita Ciencia, 4(Especial), 42–54. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8184698