Art education in the 21st century


  • Ana Bertha Yohary Colorado Araujo Universidad Veracruzana



Art Education, Arts, Human Development, Cross-Curricular Education, Meaningful Learning


This article analyzes the Mission of arts education in the 21st century. It presents a brief overview about the conceptions that have been raised throughout the history of mankind on arts education. Moreover, it discusses definitions which have been made from different pedagogical and psychological perspectives. It also stresses the relevance of the favorable influence of artistic education in the integral development of the human being. Likewise, it presents crucial information about how artistic education is taught in Mexico and in countries of the European Union at the basic level of education. It also takes into account the aim of expanding knowledge about the guidelines of the artistic education in its global context. Finally, this article highlights the cross-curricular applications of the artistic education with other subjects, in order to generate meaningful learning within students.


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Author Biography

Ana Bertha Yohary Colorado Araujo, Universidad Veracruzana

 Licenciada en Pedagogía, maestra en Educación, con estudios en la licenciatura en música con opción percusiones, por la Universidad Veracruzana. Actualmente es estudiante de la licenciatura en Educación Artística modalidad virtual de la Universidad Veracruzana. Es directora y docente del Centro Educativo Musical “”Yatzary”.


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How to Cite

Colorado Araujo, A. B. Y. (2014). Art education in the 21st century. Universita Ciencia, 3(7), 117–131.