Importance of Reading Training in Primary Education


  • Ana Luz Villalobos Terán Universidad Iberoamericana



Art Education, Arts, Human Development, Cross-Curricular Education, Meaningful Learning


Reading is a very interesting topic due its complexity that it represents, besides being a generalized problem in our country, not just in the educative manner but social and cultural one. Mexico is not a country of readers, on the contrary, the population doesn’t feel like reading and students do not feel like doing it. According to some research statistics that SEP, and some public high level institutions like: UNAM, UAG, UV, IPN, IBEROAMERICANA UNIVERSITY, and among others are doing, reading is a very important issue in all educative levels, but it is in Elementary School where the little kids start to learn the basis of reading, where the kids have the first reading approach, and where the little kids must feel passion for it, however, the results are not what the expected to be. This paper proposes to identify all the reading characteristics which intervene in the elementary levels as well as the role of the student and the role parents play in such Educative Formation.


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Author Biography

Ana Luz Villalobos Terán , Universidad Iberoamericana

Profesora de Educación Primaria. Maestra en Educación Básica por la Universidad Iberoamericana.


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How to Cite

Villalobos Terán , A. L. (2014). Importance of Reading Training in Primary Education. Universita Ciencia, 3(7), 103–116.