Evaluation for Teaching Permanence in the Light of the Right to Education in Mexico. Reflections on the Design of Sectorial Policy 2013-2018
Education, Teacher Evaluation, Public Policies, Formative EvaluationAbstract
The sectoral evaluation policy for teaching permanence used by the Mexican State in the period 2013-2018, established various lines of action that, in consideration of the federal administration in turn, were aimed at guaranteeing effective protection of the fundamental right to education. Likewise, the postulates of the sectoral policy of teacher evaluation, its adjustment with public policies with a human rights perspective and the approach that was made of the categories of acceptability and adaptability typical of an International Law of Human Rights are addressed. In addition to the above, it is prudent to consider the stages of this evaluation and its link with a training approach that tends to reflect on the role of the teacher and the student in the teaching-learning process.
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