Women in the SNI. Equal Opportunities?
Gender Perspective, SNI, Equal OpportunitiesAbstract
The purpose of this article is to reflect on the gender perspective, it is aimed at the search for the deconstruction of cultural codes that give rise to the inequality of opportunities between men and women and, in that context, analyze the income and permanence of University academics in the National System of Researchers (SNI), created by the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico. The SNI obeys a public policy that seeks to increase research productivity with quality. Through the analysis of data reported by the Veracruzana University and the University of Quintana Roo, it was found that the presence of women in the SNI is lower than that of men, in both Universities, and that the highest levels have reached men. From this finding, throughout the work, we reflect on several questions: is there really equal opportunities between men and women for admission and permanence in the SNI? have the proposals to include a gender perspective been functional? Does the SNI achieve its task of raising quality? Why are women unable to produce in quality and quantity equal to men?
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