Necessary Innovations in Postmodern Legal Training
Human rights, God, Political power, Freedom and equality, Human dignityAbstract
From the time of the Greeks and Romans, even long before, man has tried to answer questions ranging from the basic to the complex: who are we and what are we doing here? Are we alone? Were we created out of nothing? or Do we evolve little by little? The answers have been formulated from different fronts: philosophy, religion, biology, mathematics, just to name a few. Science itself - if it could be seen as a wonderful mirror - is capable of reflecting fantastic things that may contain a truth similar to that of Alice's strange worlds: a mixture of fantasy and metaphor, reality and madness, chaos and order. The universe will never fail to teach us something, but - perhaps - we are still far from fully understanding all its mysteries.
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Domingo Motta, Raúl, Complejidad, educación y transdisciplinariedad, En: Campirán Salazar, Ariel
Félix; et al. Complejidad y transdisciplina: acercamientos y desafíos, México, Torres Asociados, 2005.
Kelsen, Hans, ¿Qué es la teoría pura del Derecho?, México, Fontamara, 2011.
Lewin, Roger, Complejidad. El caos como generador de orden, España, Tusquets, 1995.
Morin, Edgar, Introducción al pensamiento complejo, España, Gedisa, 1990.
Pampillo Baliño, Juan Pablo; Derecho Informático e Informática Jurídica, México, Porrúa/Escuela Libre de Derecho, 2012.
Vázquez Azuara, Carlos Antonio, Combate a la Delincuencia Cibernética, 3a ed., México, Universidad de Xalapa. 2015.
Weber, Edgar, “Las culturas en el proceso de la mundialización”, Revista Cidob D'afers Internacionals, España, núm 50, 2000, p. 12.
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