Inequality for Women in Veracruz Laws. Without Equal Opportunities to Access Health and Legal Termination of Pregnancy


  • Naldy Patricia Rodríguez Lagunes Universidad Veracruzana



Equality, Sexual and reproductive rights, Legal Interruption of Pregnancy, Gender Alert


The regulatory framework of Veracruz presents a restrictive regulation for women, in which the absence of the risk factor to interrupt pregnancy stands out; It also presents "inequalities" in its legislation with 22 entities. It is considered a normative discrimination for the access to health and the Legal Interruption of Pregnancy to Veracruz. This inequality led 86 women to have an abortion (before week 12 of pregnancy) to public and private hospitals in Mexico City from 2014 to 2016. Most were between 20 and 30 years of age. With two Gender Alerts, one for Comparative Tort since December 13, 2017, Veracruz must adapt its laws and provisions to guarantee conditions of substantive "equality" for women. As noted in the Gender Alert Report 2017, it is necessary to standardize the legislation of the state of Veracruz with the national standard, however, six months later it had not been harmonized. For this reason, the concept of equality and the gender perspective are analyzed as a fundamental argumentative tool that will help guarantee the right to equality and avoid discrimination.


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Author Biography

Naldy Patricia Rodríguez Lagunes, Universidad Veracruzana

Licenciada en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la Universidad Veracruzana (UV); Maestra en Periodismo por la UV y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), egresada de la Maestría en Derechos Humanos y Juicio de Amparo por la Universidad de Xalapa (UX) y diplomado con mención honorífica en Periodismo Latinoamericano por el Tecnológico de Monterrey. Actualmente es periodista en activo, columnista, corresponsal de El Heraldo México, y docente en la Universidad de Xalapa.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Lagunes, N. P. (2018). Inequality for Women in Veracruz Laws. Without Equal Opportunities to Access Health and Legal Termination of Pregnancy. Universita Ciencia, 7(19), 64–73.


