An Approach to Competitiveness as a Strategy in the Internationalization of Higher Education: The Case of Universidad Veracruzana




Internationalization, Globalization, Higher Education, Competitiveness, Strategy


This document wants to emphasize the role of Internationalization in the Universidad Veracruzana, as the current trend for development and competitiveness. Due to the growing globalization and advances in technologies that have favoredan increasingly competitive world, that is, an increasingly integrated world economy, with new information and communication technologies, the emergence of international knowledge networks; the role of other languages, among others. That is why the internationalization of higher education, has become a model to be followed in universities, where it include the international competencies of the graduate profile. Since, today, university students deal an increasingly demanding and competitive job market. Thus, it is a challenge for universities to include an integrating process in all their teaching, research and extension functions, which have a global and international vision strategy. In this regard, an exhaustive review was made of academic literature in education, universities and in the internationalization of higher education.


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Author Biography

Viridiana del Socorro Priego Salas, Universidad Veracruzana

Maestra en Administración, con especialidad en Estrategias Empresariales por el Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Pasante del Doctorado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de Xalapa. Actualmente colaboradora en el Instituto de Investigación en Contaduría de la Universidad Veracruzana. 


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How to Cite

Priego Salas, V. del S. (2020). An Approach to Competitiveness as a Strategy in the Internationalization of Higher Education: The Case of Universidad Veracruzana. Universita Ciencia, 9(26), 142–157.


