The Importance of History. Leisure Teaching in Secondary School Students




History, Strategy, Ludic, Learning, Didactics, Teaching


History as a subject usually causes problems of apathy in many students, not only  on Primary and Secundary level education, this is also presented on higher Mexico  Education levels as High school. Through the educational reforms that have been implemented, where the main objective is to improve teaching and that students  achieve the expected learning. Concerned about the role played by the teacher and  their practice in relation to the student and their learning.  The last modification that was made was the Reform of Basic Education 2011  (RIEB), where different strategies are proposed to transform the classes by  implementing a didactic form that favors creativity, reflection, being critical,  implementing and promoting responsible use of digital media; components with  which the student must count when they finish basic education degree. Reasons for  which it has been sought to change the teaching models, avoiding the regular class,  improving the activities that benefit memorial learning.  One of the strategies that has had the greatest impact on the different professional  practices is learning while playing, implementing recreational activities in order for  the student to learn the different contents, hand in hand with the game. 


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Author Biography

Jorge Alejandro Trejo Alarcón, Universidad Veracruzana

Maestro en Educación Básica (UPN). Licenciado en Antropología Histórica (U.V.)  Docente de tiempo completo en el Colegio Real Victoria y sus líneas de investigación  son didáctica, aprendizaje basado en problemas, pensamiento crítico y estrategias  lúdicas. Publicó el libro Barras Bravas. Ódiame más. Por una política pública en  México y fue colaborador en el libro Historia de la ORTEUV


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How to Cite

Trejo Alarcón, J. A. (2020). The Importance of History. Leisure Teaching in Secondary School Students . Universita Ciencia, 9(26), 81–91.


