Academic Writing: A Tool that Allows to Link Music and Education to Generate Investigation


  • Alejandra Roa Márquez Universidad Libre de Psicología de Puebla



Academic writing, Academic literacy, Music, Educational Research


This article finds in academic writing a tool through which music can be linked with education to generate research at higher educational levels. Part of the reflection and theoretical analysis of academic literacy: scope and possibilities. To support a methodological work in three phases: analysis of the educational phenomenon, design and application of educational tools, and production and presentation of the learning product. Same that was applied to a group of twenty-five regular student of the subjects of Pedagogical Practices I and II of the Bachelor's degrees in Orchestral Instruments, Piano and Guitar, of the Higher Institute of Music of the State of Veracruz. Obtaining as a result a Digital Anthology entitled “Music in education. Anthology of Pedagogical Research Works”, divided into five parts: Educational Research, Historical-Contextual Research, Didactic-Pedagogical Proposal, Design of Learning Experiences and Critical Essay. To finally show the study's findings, through a table that reports the development and potentialization of skills and competences that the learners acquired.


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Author Biography

Alejandra Roa Márquez, Universidad Libre de Psicología de Puebla

Licenciada en Lengua y Literatura Hispánica por la Universidad Veracruzana. Maestra en Psicoanálisis y Cultura por la Universidad Libre de Psicología de Puebla. Doctora en Educación por la Universidad de Xalapa.


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How to Cite

Roa Márquez, A. (2020). Academic Writing: A Tool that Allows to Link Music and Education to Generate Investigation. Universita Ciencia, 9(26), 22–49.


