Teacher-Student Interaction in University Education: a Look from Interpersonal Communication
teacher-student interactions, teacher-student communication, institutionalized relationships, university educationAbstract
This review seeks to observe interpersonal teacher-student communications in the context of higher education, institutionally mediated. It was considered that interpersonal communication, complementary to pedagogical communication, occurs between independent subjects, favoring dialogical understanding. For the analysis, we sought to approach the current context of higher education institutions, understanding the teaching role in said institutionality. Subsequently, the conception of interpersonal communication from teaching was investigated, to end by addressing possible theories to evaluate the teacher-student interaction, from interpersonal communication. From the review it can be deduced that, although interpersonal communication is recognized as relevant and central in relational matters, the body of knowledge does not account for its potential as a relationship builder in institutionally mediated contexts. In essence, there is no recent research that addresses its preponderance from academic teaching. Furthermore, models of teacher-student relationship based on interpersonal communication and its relational nature are not outlined. Nor are communicative models of an institutional-organizational type determined. These findings offer a challenge: the analysis and study of this teacher-student interaction supported and strengthened by interpersonal communication and its subsequent contribution to institutionalized relationships.
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