From Legal Anthropocentrism to legal Animality: New Civil Parameters for the Recognition and Protection of Domestic Animals in Puebla




animality, animal rights, enjoyment capacity, dignified life


Animals are sentient beings, capable of experiencing basic emotions such as joy, sadness, fear, among others; therefore, they require special protection by legal regulations. They should not be treated like inanimate objects. The legislation of the state of Puebla has been at the forefront in terms of these issues; however, it can give a much more interesting contribution if legal and jurisprudential analyzes on issues related to the protection of animals are taken into account, by noting that they have the right to a dignified life, a legal concept that was usually used for people.


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Author Biography

Ubaldo Márquez Roa, Universidad de Xalapa

Doctor en Derecho, miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores nivel 1. Universidad de Xalapa, México.


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How to Cite

Márquez Roa, U. (2022). From Legal Anthropocentrism to legal Animality: New Civil Parameters for the Recognition and Protection of Domestic Animals in Puebla. Universita Ciencia, 10(28), 61–72.