Inclusive and Sustainable Higher Education in Mexico: the Construction of Hope for a Better Tomorrow
higher education, development, 2030 agenda, sustainability, human rights, inclusionAbstract
The human right to higher education represents a public and social good of nations, one of the main objectives of the
2030 SDG Agenda is the responsibility of the State to contribute strategically to the education sector in a broad spectrum, in one of its goals it aims for young people and adults to have equal access to superior and quality, training this implies setting short, medium and long goals term, through a synergy of institutions, public and private organizations and civil society. The vertiginous changes that occur in the economic, political, social, ideological and environmental sectors at a global level lead to propose actions aimed at achieving a resilient and inclusive education as a means to achieve a better quality of life. If we add to this that to achieve 70% of the objectives projected in the 2030 Agenda, education is the fundamental axis, since it substantially affects access to better sources of employment, sustainable development and achieving symmetry of the population to reduce inequalities. It is a duty of the State to increase the enrollment of young people and adult in vulnerable situations, people with disabilities and indigenous groups to guarantee access to higher education institutions whose pillars support innovative education, a guarantee of human rights and an incentive for a culture of peace.
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