Participation in Comprehensive Projects as an Induction Resource for Research in Engineering Careers




Teaching-learning, Investigation, Projects, Integral, Significant, Cooperative, Critical-Constructive


The teaching-learning process in Engineering majors is experiencing a propitious moment to be reviewed and updated with the aim of turning it profitably into a significant and cooperative process that ensures future Engineering professionals the knowledge and skills to carry out projects that meet world quality standards. This article proposes an intense practice of Comprehensive Projects, named for its nature of integration of the different disciplines of Engineering, as a viable resource for the development of high research rates by promoting in the student a broad knowledge of the standards, standards, codes, manuals and/or good engineering practices that allow you to form the bases for the development of a project in the collaborative framework of a multidisciplinary work team. The participation of an Engineering student in a project must cross the border of empirical participation and with the guidance of the teacher must know the intent of each norm, code or standard in its specific application as a fundamental part of the scientific base that supports the development. of an engineering project.


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How to Cite

Chipuli Santiago , M. A. (2012). Participation in Comprehensive Projects as an Induction Resource for Research in Engineering Careers. Universita Ciencia, 1(1), 75–80.