Gender Roles as a Social Structure that Forms the Masculine and the Feminine
Sex Roles, Gender identity, Masculinity, Femininity, Co-educationAbstract
Throughout time much has been written regarding the differences between men and women based on biology; but the above is not enough nor does it justify the psychological, social and cultural gap established between the sexes. It is important to reveal the prevailing sexist ideology and how it permeates the lives of human beings in different spheres. The idea is to raise awareness regarding the phenomenon of sexual roles and make it very clear that they are only behavioral aspects of the culture and society in which they occur, therefore they are not universal or determinants of the meaning of being a man or a woman or of sexual preference. The transmission and the way in which they are assumed form in individuals, from an early age, their psychological identity, the above is part of the socialization process. Education has a responsibility, from the early years, to raise elements of equity in the study programs to reduce the gap between genders. This intervention includes equitable teaching to train free human beings.Metrics
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