Pedagogy of Complexity Applied to Law




Complexity, Pedagogy, Legal Training


The current world is going through different phenomena that mark its most significant characteristics, some of which are: knowledge revolution, globalization, impact of new technologies, uncertainty, interdisciplinarity; all of them give rise to complexity as a hallmark of our postmodern age. Today, pedagogy must respond to these global characteristics and prepare students to interact in the super-complex world. In this regard, there are some general guidelines; which also need to be incorporated into legal pedagogy. Based on the above, the objective of the article is to briefly develop the characteristics of complexity, its general pedagogical implications and its application for the training of future Law graduates. The result are some reflections, obtained through a documentary study, which seek to be an invitation to transform the teaching of law in the classroom.


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Author Biography

José Francisco Báez Corona, Universidad de Xalapa

Doctor en Derecho Público, Especialista y maestro en Docencia Universitaria, licenciado en Derecho y licenciado en Pedagogía. Coordinador del área de Investigación de la Universidad de Xalapa, docente de la Universidad Veracruzana, miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores de CONACYT.


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How to Cite

Báez Corona, J. F. (2012). Pedagogy of Complexity Applied to Law. Universita Ciencia, 1(1), 32–37.