Proposal for an Instrument to Measure Satisfaction and Perception of the Quality of Educational Services in Higher Education Institutions




Services Marketing Mix, Service Expectations, Service Perceptions, Quality in the Service, Dimensions of Service Quality


From the point of view of marketing, a product is a tangible good (physical) or intangible (service), which has a set of attributes that serve to differentiate it from its competition. When a customer decides to purchase a product, in the specific case of a service, the evaluation which makes this to measure your degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction is complex, since this should be done at the time of consumption. The result of evaluating whether a client was satisfied or dissatisfied, is based on two moments; one prior to its consumption and the second during their consumption; these moments correspond the expectations that were on the service and to the perception of it. The IESP are not exempted from surveys that identify them as they are evaluated the educational services offered to its students.


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Author Biography

José Raymundo García Cano

 Licenciado en Contaduría por la Universidad Veracruzana, con estudios de especialidad en Economía Financiera y maestría en Ciencias Administrativas por la Universidad Veracruzana. Coordinador Académico en la Dirección General del Área Académica Económico Administrativa de la UV, profesor en la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración y maestro invitado en el Instituto de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores de las Ciencias Administrativas (IIESCA) de la UV


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How to Cite

García Cano, J. R. (2013). Proposal for an Instrument to Measure Satisfaction and Perception of the Quality of Educational Services in Higher Education Institutions. Universita Ciencia, 2(4), 91–107.