Challenges of Teaching Law


  • Marisol Luna Leal Universidad Veracruzana
  • Alejandra Verónica Zúñiga Ortega Universidad Veracruzana



Legal Education, Conception of Law, Training


The great challenges of the institutions in which the law degree is offered (public and private) are related to, on the one hand, the way in which the teacher acts in the development of the student's instruction, that is, the process of teaching-learning. The second, from the educational perspective of the teacher, the effect on students of the perception of law in their teachers; said situation as a triggering factor that indirectly influences, of course, the way in which law is taught, that is, a vision and a return to natural law (with all its variants); the positivist - formalist position; and the vision of law as fact. It is the responsibility of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to promote and consolidate the commitment of teachers so that the teaching of law is aimed at highlighting the science of law as a socially and morally relevant practice that allows discussion and democratic coexistence. and solidarity through a constant search to find the type of practice that teaches students more efficiently and pertinently to live humanely.


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How to Cite

Luna Leal, M., & Zúñiga Ortega, A. V. (2013). Challenges of Teaching Law. Universita Ciencia, 2(4), 57–64.