High-Performance Mexican Postgraduate Programs Focused On Agroecosystems, A Proposal For Study
High Organizational Performance, Collective Action, Organizational Resilience, Literature Review, VosviewerAbstract
Mexico demands to have high-performance postgraduate degrees, that is, those that have international competence level, specifically in agroecosystems field; however, those offered in the central and south-southeastern region are not. Thus, it is appropriate to ask what organizational phenomena are affecting high-performance postgraduate programs offer. This work considers that collective action and organizational resilience impact on high organizational performance. A literature review was carried out in Scopus for period 2010-2021 and data were analyzed using VOSviewer 1.6.17 software for bibliometric networks creation. Results show connectivity between concepts and collective action and organizational resilience are determinants for high organizational performance, however there are very few studies of this type in Latin America. It is concluded that it is necessary to carry out studies in Mexico in institutions that offer postgraduate programs in agroecosystems at Consolidated level.
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