The Self Re-encounter Through Groups that Prioritize the Role of the Other: A Possibility of Re-approaching Education by Competencies


  • Israel Ladrón de Guevara Calderón



Educational Reform, Catalogue of Competences, Collective, Anxiety, Knowledge, Construction, Teacher, Facilitator


This paper proposes a method of approaching diverse in our times, which enables the recognition of the otherness students in their constitution and social institution. It‘s also face the so-called "teacher" that acts from the perspective of knowledge building and learning in the context of competence in the educational model.


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Author Biography

Israel Ladrón de Guevara Calderón

Licenciado en Psicología y Criminología por la UANL; especialista en Competencias docentes por la UPN; cuenta con formación psicoanalítica con gente del CPM. Por otro lado, se ha desempeñado en áreas diversas como la docencia educativa, la clínica psicoanalítica y la elaboración de perfiles psicológico-criminológicos para el área de investigación criminal. Actualmente es conferencista activo y maestrante de Política Públicas por el Colegio de Veracruz


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How to Cite

Ladrón de Guevara Calderón, I. (2014). The Self Re-encounter Through Groups that Prioritize the Role of the Other: A Possibility of Re-approaching Education by Competencies. Universita Ciencia, 3(6), 67–85.