Analyzing the unequal regional urban economy: Classification of the heterogeneity of the Metropolitan Area of Xalapa under the territory and economic dispersion
ciudad, economia urbana, urbanometriaAbstract
City and the territory present quite broad and complex intellectual challenges that belong to the study in the discipline of urban planning. However, it isn’t intended to detract from the works, techniques and methodologies, but to show that the help of a disciplinary dialogue provides the researcher in urban planning and the student to visualize urban phenomena from another perspective and maintain a different vocabulary that allows validating the studies in the territory.This work aims, in the first instance, to reflect, question and induce the reader to a way of visualizing urban planning with a view to expressing what is happening in the territory in a measurable and quantitative way and that gives an articulated discourse to urban expression under the search for new hybrid tools that help direct urban study procedures through the principles of generating urbanometrics in research.The second objective is to present a statistical model that shows the relationship applied between economic units and size of the territory in the Xalapa’s Metropolitan area whose purpose is to demonstrate that urban phenomena can be measured under statistical techniques validated in conjunction with research in urban planning.Keywords: City, Urbanometrics, Regional Economic
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