Motivations among experts in internationalization in higher education: the case of the CALCA network
Internationalization, Motivation, Red, Higher EducationAbstract
It is an exploratory-descriptive qualitative study, whose main objective is to know the motivations of a group of nine experts from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico and Peru to belong, participate and remain in the Conecta America Latina-Caribe-Alemania network (CALCA), which is made up of alumni from the Management of Internationalization (MOI) course sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). These motivations were investigated through a focus group where intrinsic or extrinsic motivations were identified following the model of Stirling (2013) and Sansone & Morgan (1992). Results show that far from being visible an extrinsic motivation of a purely institutional nature, answers converge in the intrinsic motivation that generates membership, synergy and collaboration linked to the personal and professional development of the participants in the focus group.
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