The Didactics of the English Language within the Teaching Training of Basic Level Teachers


  • Alma Alejandra Varela García Universidad Veracruzana



Teacher Training, Didactics, English Language, Basic Education, English


Talking about the English language within teacher training at the basic, primary and preschool level means, first of all, that it is currently recognized in the globalized world, the need to acquire a second language, with the aim of making our students more competent. and thus improve cognitive skills related to communicative competence in a second language. Since 2007, this topic has a precedent in the National Program of English in Basic Education (PNIEB) in which it is proposed to train and update teachers; However, based on this, there are several questions to review: if teachers are already trained in a second language, how do they articulate basic preschool and primary education in English with secondary education within their teacher training? Including the teaching of foreign languages ​​within the teacher training of basic education teachers referring to preschool education and primary education; The plan is ambitious and probably achievable in time and in stages, and including the teaching of a foreign language such as English in the normal curriculum responds to this need, since it is intended that teachers, apart from the subjects corresponding, integrate the foreign language in both preschool and primary school. Are teachers trained to meet the demand that this would generate? And if so, what is proposed? In response to this, for example, the Benemérita Escuela Normal Veracruzana “Enrique C. Rébsamen” (BENVE) has, among its graduation requirements and study program, 4 semesters of mandatory English in its breakdown of subjects. Is it pertinent to include the teaching of the foreign language, that is, English? It is a challenge to observe and investigate.


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Author Biography

Alma Alejandra Varela García , Universidad Veracruzana

Maestra en la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad Veracruzana.


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How to Cite

Varela García , A. A. (2016). The Didactics of the English Language within the Teaching Training of Basic Level Teachers. Universita Ciencia, 5, 67–79.