Virtual Environments as an Alternative for the Training and Updating of Normalists and Teachers.


  • Carlos Arturo Marín Medina Universidad de Xalapa



Teacher training, Teaching update, Teaching skills, Information and communication technologies, virtual learning environments


The present work intends to be a proposal to the problem that is observed within the teacher training and updating, before the changes generated with the new social and technological context. From the review of various texts, some of scientific dissemination and others prepared by the press, it was detected as a current problem of the normal ones, that there are difficulties in the training and updating of teachers; The factors can be multiple, but among the consequences is prominent, the difficulty of the normal schools and the SEP to continue with the training and updating of education professionals. That is why this work will try to answer the question: what is the best strategy or modality to meet the needs of teacher training and updating, in the new context of professionalization? Therefore, a series of arguments will be initiated and a work structure will be proposed that can contribute to solving this problem, placing ICTs in a central axis as an alternative that will facilitate the solution.


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Author Biography

Carlos Arturo Marín Medina, Universidad de Xalapa

Alumno del Doctorado en Educación de la Universidad de Xalapa


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How to Cite

Marín Medina, C. A. (2016). Virtual Environments as an Alternative for the Training and Updating of Normalists and Teachers. Universita Ciencia, 5, 119–129.