Neuroeducation in Teacher Training. Strengthening the Personal Dimension of the Educator Towards the Integral Development of the Student


  • Alejandrina Yanina Vargas Dórame Universidad de Xalapa



Teacher training, Personal dimension, Neuroeducation, Comprehensive development of the student


All transformation comes from within the human being, for the change to prevail it must be rooted in the mental structures of the student, but mainly of the educator. An essential part of the formation of human beings is learning to know ourselves, in such a way that we are able to use our capacities to the maximum in the different scenarios of life. The teacher, when exerting great influence in the formation of others, it is necessary to strengthen his self-discovery, from his preparation in a Personal Dimension, which allows him to promote an integral development in the student. This tour starts from Neuroscience to explain how we can generate greater development, not only of thought, but of the capacity for action, renewing habits rooted in our mind. To reach Neuroeducation, as a discipline that trains around the integral formation of the being, since it deals with the indivisible coexistence of Mind-Body-Emotion, as a particular process, governed by experience and the relationship with the environment. Finally, reflect on the relevance of Neuroeducation in teacher training, as a fundamental guide to learn how to promote a better coexistence of the student with himself and the environment, which allows training students with decision-making capacity, carefully observing the emotions, as part of the process of strengthening neural networks, with full awareness of how they affect the whole. If the educator understands the operation and scope of the human machinery, then he will be able to promote in the student the full and optimal use of his being.


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Author Biography

Alejandrina Yanina Vargas Dórame, Universidad de Xalapa

Maestría en Docencia Universitaria. Alumna del Doctorado en Educación de la Universidad de Xalapa


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How to Cite

Vargas Dórame, A. Y. (2016). Neuroeducation in Teacher Training. Strengthening the Personal Dimension of the Educator Towards the Integral Development of the Student. Universita Ciencia, 5, 90–100.