Meta-Evaluation of Learning in Preschool


  • María Eugenia Arroyo Limón Universidad de Xalapa



Meta-evaluation, Teachers, Students, Preschool


The research deals with the evaluation of the evaluation of the learning carried out by the teachers, of zone 11 of the preschool level, of Basic Education of the federal system, focusing the analysis on the theoretical and methodological aspects of the evaluation, based on the referents of the 2011 curriculum, also assuming the main theories that have influenced the Mexican educational system in recent years, such as: Piaget (psychogenetic theory), Ausubel (meaningful learning) and Vygotsky (socialization in cognitive processes). Superiors and the importance of the zone of proximal development), and taking into account the didactic approach of work by competencies in preschool. The methodology that was adopted is of a qualitative and quantitative approach and tries to achieve the objectivity of the study, avoiding all kinds of personal perspective that could interfere with the results of the study. Comprehensive evaluation projects were designed, applied and analyzed, the inquiry processes that were carried out were: questionnaire and interview with 7 teachers who attend the third grade of preschool level studies, selected for convenience from 7 educational centers morning shift. The object of the investigation is to evaluate the theoretical-methodological principles that support the learning evaluation process carried out by teachers of the third grade of school zone 11, preschool level, based on the 2011 study plan and program in order to propose a series of recommendations that allow to improve this process as an input to raise the educational quality. The scope of the research is descriptive, specifying the characteristics of the evaluation carried out by teachers in order to show it accurately. Likewise, it is applied because it not only remained at a theoretical level but was directed to the concrete reality of school zone 11 of the preschool level. At this time we are in the application of instruments, so the conclusions are limited until the end of the investigation.


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Author Biography

María Eugenia Arroyo Limón, Universidad de Xalapa

Licenciada en Educación Preescolar. Asesor Técnico Pedagógico de la zona 11 de Preescolar. Maestría en Docencia y Evaluación Educativa


Barcelona: OIKOS- TAU.

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How to Cite

Arroyo Limón, M. E. (2016). Meta-Evaluation of Learning in Preschool. Universita Ciencia, 5, 183–199.