Creation of Corporate Identity for the Lezama X-ray Cabinet in the City of Xalapa, Veracruz, in 2016


  • Alejandra Álvarez Castillo Universidad de Xalapa
  • Brenda Analiz Vera Gómez Universidad de Xalapa



Marketing, Marketing mix, Promotion mix, Corporate identity, Branding, Brand, Brand management strategy


The present investigation is developed in the area of ​​marketing based on the creation of the corporate identity for the company of Rayos X Lezama with the purpose of creating one that will allow the identification of its services in an adequate way in 2016. In this study only an approximation of the development of the research that is being carried out is presented with the following sections: introduction, the outline of the methodology and a brief approximation of the theoretical framework. According to various marketing concepts where it is conceptualized as the study, planning and control of the different characteristics and activities of a company, which can attract the client by identifying it through segmentation, studying its characteristics and satisfying needs and desires, obtaining thereby benefits the company.


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Author Biographies

Alejandra Álvarez Castillo, Universidad de Xalapa

Alumna de la Licenciatura en Mercadotecnia de la Universidad de Xalapa

Brenda Analiz Vera Gómez, Universidad de Xalapa

Maestra en Mercadotecnia de la Universidad de Xalapa, licenciada en Ciencias y Técnicas de la Comunicación en la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, campus Tampico. Actualmente docente en licenciaturas y posgrados de la Universidad de Xalapa




How to Cite

Álvarez Castillo, A., & Vera Gómez, B. A. (2016). Creation of Corporate Identity for the Lezama X-ray Cabinet in the City of Xalapa, Veracruz, in 2016. Universita Ciencia, 5, 231–248.