Optimization of Activity Trees (Work Breakdown Structure), in Project Planning, Using Process Simulation in a Parallel Machine.
Project Management Institute, Project Planning, Work Breakdown Structure, Local Area Multicomputer, Process SimulationAbstract
The methodology proposed by the Project Management Institute (PMI), analizes different stages in the development of a project; beginning, planning, monitoring, implementing and finishing. During the planning phase, one of the major problems is the resources allocation and tasks scheduling. The methodologies suggest the construction of an activity tree known as WBS (Work Breakdown Structure), which specifies processes and resource allocation. The WBS does not provide control of parallel processes that generally occur in any project, difficult tasks like resource allocation and optimization. This project includes optimization based on the initial planning of the WBS and the resources involved in a project. In this article is described an algorithm that runs many tasks in a parallel machine LAM/MPI (Local Area Multicomputer / Message Passing Interface), determining the best way to implement the project, allowing the costs reducing in the scope.
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