Didactic Scenarios for the Development of Academic Competences: an Orientation Towards Blended-Learning Educational Environments





Educational Settings, E-Learning, Blended Learning, Academic Skills


The social, cultural, economical and technological modern world require an evolution in teaching methods in universities to help train professionals with academic skills commensurate with the demands of the current context. Likewise, the alternatives offered by new educational methods incorporate the use of information and communication technologies from increasingly solid structures that enhance education with the use of resources and innovations that characterize the models of teaching and learning. In this sense, involving several actors within the field of training: the teacher, student, institution and the set of rules, principles and procedures that guide the educational activity and frame the didactic scenario under which it will be possible to develop academic skills on the students. Learning scenarios that have been formed in the traditional education can be supplemented and strengthened the advantage the use of e-learning, to make way for a scheme of combined work like the blended-learning. This article analyzes the teaching scenarios for the development of academic skills that have characterized the evolution of educational methods: classroom and e-learning, identifying its components, the teaching-learning process, the most common educational resources and their relationship to the educational intervention to achieve a combination of both for the generation of blended-learning educational environments.


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Author Biography

Herlinda Godos García, Universidad de Xalapa

Candidata a doctora en Educación, coordinadora del departamento de Evaluación Institucional en la Universidad de Xalapa.


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How to Cite

Godos García, H. (2012). Didactic Scenarios for the Development of Academic Competences: an Orientation Towards Blended-Learning Educational Environments. Universita Ciencia, 1(2), 15–23. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8230995