University and New Communication Technologies; Trainer for Your Use and Understanding


  • Edgar Gálvez Montalvo Universidad de Xalapa



Mass communication, Digital communication, Internet, Produsers, ITC, Web 2.0


Communication is the tool upon which human beings accomplish the formation of a community and in such social condition have sought a way to improve the processes and intrinsic and extrinsic resources of intrapersonal and interpersonal communication, where technological advancements have always conditioned the behavior of individuals throughout history, it is there where the university must stand as a capacitor on the application of these resources, taking students to a level where they can understand the importance of the phenomenon of communication as a mediator between multimedia convergence and societies.


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Author Biography

Edgar Gálvez Montalvo, Universidad de Xalapa

Licenciado en Ciencias y Técnicas de la Comunicación, jefe de las licenciaturas en Ciencias y Técnicas de la Comunicación, Mercadotecnia, Periodismo y Comunicación.


Cebrián Herreros Mariano. (2001) La radio en la convergencia multimedia. Barcelona: Gedisa

Ferrer Eulalio. (1997) Información y comunicación. México D. F.: Fondo de cultura económica

RueschJurgen. (2009) Comunication, the social matrix of psychiatry. 2a. imp. Transaction publishers



How to Cite

Gálvez Montalvo, E. (2012). University and New Communication Technologies; Trainer for Your Use and Understanding. Universita Ciencia, 1(2), 5–7.