ICT and its Impact on School and Teacher Performance. An Approach to the Attitudes of High School Teachers and Students in Artículo 3° vespertino


  • Hilda López Domínguez Universidad de Xalapa




tic, Baccalaureate, education


The present work, still in progress, intends to investigate some incidents that result from the use made by the students of the Baccalaureate Article 3° Constitutional Afternoon of information and communication technologies (ICT) and their relationship with their school performance, as well as also on the performance that teachers establish from this new dynamic in which young people use ICT more frequently. Various studies have revealed some advantages as well as risks that can be obtained from the use that the population makes of ICTs depending on the type of ICT to which they have access, as well as the frequency of use and the purposes of said use. In this sense, and given the context in which we operate and which shows the need to "update" and adapt to this new dynamic, it is clear that young people, given their closeness and greater ease in relating to technology, may be the most benefited or affected. And given that the educational field is not exempt from the consequences as long as it is a merely social process, it is necessary to investigate the attitudes adopted by students and teachers that, although it is not a comprehensive vision, due to the number of actors part of what educational, allows to advance in depth about the educational in relation to ICT.


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Author Biography

Hilda López Domínguez, Universidad de Xalapa

Licenciada en Pedagogía. Maestra en Investigación en Psicología Aplicada a la Educación y
actualmente Estudiante del Doctorado en Investigación Educativa


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How to Cite

López Domínguez, H. (2015). ICT and its Impact on School and Teacher Performance. An Approach to the Attitudes of High School Teachers and Students in Artículo 3° vespertino. Universita Ciencia, 4(Especial), 78–89. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8121323