The Non-Verbal Language of Teachers and its Incidence on Teaching Interaction. Perceptions of College Students




Non-verbal communication, nonverbal language, kinesics, proxemics, paralinguistics, physical appearance and didactic interaction


The classroom is a learning niche, a space for human interaction, it is not just a room where formal knowledge is learned, but skills, attitudes, emotions, needs and more are generated in the daily coincidence. The teacher is a person who is not limited, even if he wants to, to transmitting cognitive knowledge, he teaches with his own presence, posture, gestures, appearance, voice, looks... this being the reason why his non-verbal language reinforces, distracts or obstructs. the communication of school contents and the same interaction that he establishes with the students, more often than not without being aware of it. Hence, this research focuses on analyzing how the kinesic, proxemic, paralinguistic and physical appearance elements of the non-verbal language of the teachers of the Universidad Veracruzana affect the teacher-student interaction, and therefore in the communication of contents, contemplating that each Faculty has its own contextual cultural nature, where perceptions may vary. For its realization, the present study seeks to gather information, having as main informants students from two different faculties of four disciplinary areas of the Universidad Veracruzana. The information obtained will be contrasted between the faculties of the same area and between the different areas, which will allow a valid analysis of the situation that exists within the classrooms of the Universidad Veracruzana.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Juárez Torres, Universidad Veracruzana

Licenciado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas por la Universidad Veracruzana, maestro en Administración Pública por el Instituto de Administración Pública de Veracruz, candidato a Doctor
en Investigación Educativa por el Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación de la Universidad
Veracruzana. Académico de la Universidad Veracruzana desde el año 2006


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How to Cite

Juárez Torres, A. (2015). The Non-Verbal Language of Teachers and its Incidence on Teaching Interaction. Perceptions of College Students. Universita Ciencia, 4(Especial), 65–77.