Promoting Reading Comprehension through the Didactic Proposal: I Read, Understand and Learn For Sixth Grade Students of Primary Education


  • Ana Luz Villalobos Terán Universidad de Xalapa



comprehension, reading, strategies


Reading is a key piece in the teaching-learning process, it does not lie in the deciphering of a writing, it goes beyond a simple translation or paraphrasing; Certain skills, attitudes, and knowledge are required that are found in the reader's conceptual schemes. The interest of this research lies in making a didactic proposal which contemplates a selection of readings in which certain strategies will be applied considering the grade, the school age and the interests of the student, which implies less difficulty in its application and better achievements, whose purpose is to achieve the efficiency of understanding. This is a descriptive investigation of a quasi-experimental type, with a qualitative and quantitative methodology. For this, a pretext and a post will be applied in two groups: one control and the other experimental. In the latter, the didactic proposal will be made: I read, I understand and I learn and it will be compared to see if there were significant changes. It is based on the constructivist approach; some of the key exhibitors are Jean Piaget, Bruner and Ausubel. This approach conceives learning as a cognitive process, in which development, maturation, assimilation and accommodation intervene in relation to the age of the individual. Some researchers on the subject were considered Solé, Colomer, Puente, Lerner, Gómez Palacios, among others and on statistical documents are: the PISA evaluation, ENLACE and SEP Study Programs. By applying strategies that promote understanding, permanent learning can be achieved, with which the student can acquire skills for good performance inside and outside of school.


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Author Biography

Ana Luz Villalobos Terán , Universidad de Xalapa

Profesora de Educación Primaria, Lic. en Educación Básica por la UPN, maestra en Educación Básica
por la Universidad Iberoamericana


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How to Cite

Villalobos Terán , A. L. (2015). Promoting Reading Comprehension through the Didactic Proposal: I Read, Understand and Learn For Sixth Grade Students of Primary Education. Universita Ciencia, 4(Especial), 55–64.