Development of a Teaching Model of Mathematics Based on Logical Mathematical Thinking for Higher Education Students. Case Study: Universidad de Xalapa




mathematics teaching, mathematical logical thinking, didactic model


The title of this article refers to the teaching of mathematics specified in a didactic model, based on logical mathematical thinking, as a product of the experience obtained in the classroom by this author, giving classes in different careers of the higher level, the student who graduates from high school usually brings with him some bad and / or good experience with the subject of mathematics, the problem originates that when entering the university he meets her again, presenting symptoms of negative attitude, ignorance, rejection and phobia. These factors affect their school performance, manifesting in a high degree of failure. With the objective of overcoming this problem, the development of a didactic model is shown through which concepts, problems and activities are reflected that the teacher must know how to transmit to the student so that he learns to think logically and meaningful learning is obtained as a product, with the purpose that students who enter the higher level incorporate different learning strategies, through didactic bases in the teaching of mathematics to effect the change of attitude, through clear and enjoyable communication to achieve their motivation and generating the necessary knowledge through experiences in the classroom. It is emphasized that the subject of Algebra (Basic Mathematics) allows to generalize properties and relationships using numbers, letters and symbols. Likewise, it describes connections between variables and enables the construction of models applicable to phenomena of a different nature, as a possibility for the student to be able to perform.


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How to Cite

García Díaz, J. J. (2015). Development of a Teaching Model of Mathematics Based on Logical Mathematical Thinking for Higher Education Students. Case Study: Universidad de Xalapa. Universita Ciencia, 4(Especial), 10–17.