The Cognitive Process and Teaching-Learning Strategies to Achieve Significant Learning




Cognitive process, Strategies for teaching and learning, Meaningful learning


The cognitive process has a close relationship with the way to learn, students use dissimilar learning strategies and are expected to build their knowledge, privileging the capacity for learning to learn to make it long-lasting. The psychology of education has played an important role in the research of the process of teaching and learning, learning objectives emerged in a behaviorist psychological context, where it rewarded the students according to their achievements reached, however, over the years paradigms have arisen in which the intension is not rewarding, but making students realize how you learn best and how to make their knowledge a meaningful process.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Hernández Rodríguez, Universidad de Xalapa

Doctor en Educación por la Universidad de Xalapa, eje de Investigación, Sociedad, Cultura y Representaciones Sociales. Línea de Investigación, Formación Integral y Prácticas Docentes

Virginia Aguilar Davis

Doctora en formación del profesorado en la didáctica, didácticas especiales y evaluación de instituciones educativas, por la UNED. Línea de Generación y Aplicación del Conocimiento: Evaluación Educativa y procesos de Autorregulación en la Docencia y el Aprendizaje.


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How to Cite

Hernández Rodríguez, C., & Aguilar Davis, V. (2013). The Cognitive Process and Teaching-Learning Strategies to Achieve Significant Learning. Universita Ciencia, 2(5), 1–14.