The Teaching of Human Rights in the Integral Development of the Student


  • Doris Guadalupe Hernández Barradas Universidad de Xalapa



Education, Human Rights, development, Student, Principles, Society, Standards, Person


Nowadays Education should be the main tool by which the State ensures an atmosphere of peace, tolerance, respect, dialogue and solidarity, not only among its citizens, but between them and the State. The teaching of human rights at present, is an issue that has taken a different course than it was. Situations such as violence, poverty and even the environment related issues have to reflect on how education is developing in our country, as gradually the respect for life has been lost. So this article tries to analyze the importance of teaching human rights, in order that the student of any level can develop as full individuals, respectful of the values, rights and principles and they can live in harmony with society.


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Author Biography

Doris Guadalupe Hernández Barradas, Universidad de Xalapa

Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad de Xalapa, maestra en Derecho Electoral por la Universidad de Xalapa y actualmente cursando el Doctorado en Educación por la Universidad de Xalapa


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Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos de la ONU, 1948. Recuperado de:

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How to Cite

Hernández Barradas, D. G. (2013). The Teaching of Human Rights in the Integral Development of the Student. Universita Ciencia, 3(7), 1–11.