ESCR as Human Rights to Freedom of Work, Equality and Non-Discrimination Protect Workers Against Mobbing
ESCR, mobbing, labor human rights, discrimination, equalityAbstract
The principle of conventionality adopted by Mexico on June 10, 2011 was the key element to achieve acceptance of human rights and the protection of international instruments in favor of citizens and workers in particular by the Mexican State. The primary reform was that of the first article of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, in which the expansion of the set of rights is specified, so that it includes four general mandatory characteristics in the field of human rights: respect, protect, guarantee and promote. In addition, the first article of the Constitution, in its last paragraph, establishes the right to non discrimination. The fundamental purpose of the approved reforms was to place the person at the center of all exercise of public power. To achieve this, all the actions of the public power in Mexico are subject to a new parameter of constitutional regulation made up of human rights from national and international sources.
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