Didactic Proposal in Arts: An Alternative of Link between Formal and Non-Formal Context
Didactic Proposal, Art, Non-Formal Context , Comprehensive TrainingAbstract
The Mexican educational system shows deficiencies in relation to the teaching and learning of art in Basic Education. This article proposes to resignify art within the formal context, starting from the critical and theoretical analysis of the educational deficiencies linked to art at the primary level. Through a descriptive and explanatory case study, with an interpretive and hermeneutical approach, and a two-phase methodology. The first, detection of needs, which refers to the creation and application of analysis instruments to corroborate said insufficiencies. Applying them both in a Primary School and in a Cultural Center. The second, design of the Didactic Proposal in Arts that links formal and non-formal context, through a complementary curriculum to the traditional one with extracurricular application. Strengthening the integral development of students, from the teaching and learning of artistic languages. Thus solving the educational deficiencies linked to art with a reinforcement of the traditional system, coming from the non-formal route.
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