Diagnosis of the organizational climate in the personnel with administrative function in a post-pandemic context. Case study: A faculty of the Xalapa area of the Veracruz University.
Organizational Climate, administrative staff, Post-pandemicAbstract
Today, the facilities where employees work are considered to be their second home, where they give their time to work together with other colleagues to achieve organizational objectives. Within the organizations there are experiences that can be associated with pleasant sensations and perceptions of friendly environments (such as work incentives, outings on request, dealing with colleagues in a break) or suffocation or oppression (such as long hours, work saturation or threats of unemployment). It is therefore necessary to understand that personal factors (such as commitment, motivation, communication or attitudes) and organizational factors (such as leadership, work methods, organizational climate, work spaces and risks) can easily be fickle or variable, thus affecting the behavior and performance of employees.
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