Cultural, Demographic and Economic Transformations of Rural Space. A Case from Chiconquiaco, Veracruz
etnography, Veracruz, social developtment, rural space transformationAbstract
From an ethnographic research perspective, the transformations of rural space, their processes, and their implications in a locality in the Sierra de Chiconquiaco, Veracruz, are described. It begins by defining the theoretical approach and then delves into the definition of ethnography and the techniques employed for this research. In the more extensive part, the researched territory, community organization, the relationship with the State, and local actions aimed at transforming rural space are described. It is concluded that, collectively, ideas and actions trigger processes that enable the removal of barriers hindering local development, but at the same time, they highlight the historical neglect that rural communities experience in their relationship with the Mexican State."
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