Prediction of Academic Performance in Higher Level Students. A Descriptive Analysis
academic performance, artificial intelligence, higher educational institutionAbstract
Among other benefits, predicting school performance in higher-level students allows for the early identification of at-risk students and the recognition of areas for improvement within the educational system. With artificial intelligence algorithms, it is possible to uncover patterns in the data that indicate when a student is at academic risk and intervene on time as decision-makers deem. This research presents a descriptive and exploratory analysis of publications on school performance prediction in Ibero-America between 2018 and 2022. The following variables were analyzed: year of publication, algorithms, sample size, results, and factors related to school performance. The results show that the most commonly used algorithms are classification trees and artificial neural networks, with varied sample sizes related to the number of analyzed variables, which mostly correspond to socioeconomic and cognitive factors.
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